Gibbed Save Editor Bl2 Ps4

Borderlands 2 gets even more incredible when you have appealing and amazing weapons. The Borderlands 2 Gibbed Codes help you to get them as well as many other things. If you are new to them and want to know about them, this post is specially written for you.

Here, I will tell you everything important about Borderland 2 Gibbed Codes. I will explain what they are, what they do, and how to use them. Also, I will present a long list of codes that are ready to use.

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 31st, 2015 at 3:39 am and is filed under Borderlands 2. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed. Go into the raw tab click on the blackmarket upgrades tab it will open a window with some #s in it like this 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 change all those #s Except for the bottom 2, to 99999999 now scroll down to resource data & open that tab those # in the ammount line should look familiar, thats your ammo capacity. Change those numbers to 99999999 click ok You will now never run out of ammo. This is the BL 2 Saves Editor. It allows you to build weapons, adds money, editing character etc. All credits goes to Gibbed.


  • 1 What are Borderlands 2 Gibbed Codes?
  • 2 Borderlands 2 Gibbed Codes 2021
  • 3 How to Use Borderlands 2 Gibbed Codes?

Download Gibbed's Borderlands 2 Save Editor (Fully Updated) More Borderlands 2 Mods. This is a save editing utility. It allows you to do a ton of things that are.

What are Borderlands 2 Gibbed Codes?

Borderlands 2 is a highly popular RPG+FPS game. It is a combination of the intriguing role-playing genre and the incredible first person shooter. Anyone who’d try it out would get addicted in just the first few hours. When you are new to the game, you’d notice that the players you are playing with are holding shiny weapons in their backpack. You’d wonder how do they get it.

I’d tell you. They get those with the help of special codes known as Gibbed codes. The GibbedCodes are strings of text that refer to a specific item in the game. You can use them to add that item to your character. There are a lot of them available on the internet and you can get lots and lots of free stuff by using them.

Borderlands 2 Gibbed codes look like this ‘BL2(BwAAAADSBhYoAgPQ0BBabQAiBeIGom3i/////////z8AInCibuI=).’

Who Created Borderlands 2 Gibbed Codes?

The Borderlands2 Gibbed codes were created by a programmer named Rick Gibbed. He has made a lot of programs that mod games over the course of time. The Gibbed codes is his most popular project. He is known especially for these.

After going through the post and using the codes, you can visit his Patreonand send him a donation if you like his work. You can also use the Epic Support-A-Creator Tag “Gibbed.” These will help him a lot.

Borderlands 2 Gibbed Codes 2021

Here is a complete list of all Borderlands 2 Gibbed Codes that you can use to get specific items. You can use these to get the items you like. If you don’t know how to use them, don’t worry, I’ll explain that as well. Just keep scrolling and you’ll know the rest.

Infinity Pistols 10.4 Firerate (Damage)

  • Fire: BL2(h/fUO8e0BnEw3Ax/hxDuBhZkmxxN9Nf+E0EybfchIKw3uJS94WW1)
  • Shock: BL2(hxAhZz5bfUSHmRN+LUJXVNTESbux319gygutw8ZkFEycqmA76T38)
  • Corrosive: BL2(h5QiV53rMvaq4vd55NURZZORv969Seh9yk4qeEjD2/wEtv4tVBmE)​
  • Infinity: BL2(h2/V3n+mGlXGeO8zxX8PVUyUhQuLayUPJYlikvHB65/Ell/prsQL)​
  • Non-Elemental: BL2(h+CPozePh5J/Vi3jw/jfxd6HZtCMxFCRGksq8axHVGYMTatK1JJw)

Bekah Assault Rifles

  • Boss Bekah (Damage): BL2(hwAAAAABKwqCRoAAB4FEJgAcxHAAkAEDIob//xUY/v8jACzDYADw)
  • Wild Bekah (Fire Rate): BL2(hwAAAADQugqCRoAAB4FEJgAcxHAAkAEDIob//xYY/v8jAPTCYADw)
  • Cowboy Bekah (Bullet Speed): BL2(hwAAAABtNwqCRoAAB4FEJgAcxHAAkAEDIob//xcY/v8jAKzCYADw)
  • Deadshot Bekah (Accuracy): BL2(hwAAAABkRAqCRoAAB4FEJgAcxHAAkAEDIob//x0Y/v8jADzCYADw)
  • Horse Bekah (Stability): BL2(hwAAAABNFQqCRoAAB4FEJgAcxHAAkAEDIob//xMY/v8jAFzDYADw)
  • Flush Bekah (Mag Size): BL2(hwAAAADg/QqCRoAAB4FEJgAcxHAAkAEDIob//xgY/v8jAHTCYADw)
  • Razor Bekah (Melee): BL2(hwAAAABozwqCRoAAB4FEJgAcxHAAkAEDIob//x0Y/v8jAMzCYADw)

Ahab Launcher

  • derp Ahab(Damage): BL2(hwAAAACpNQFBRwIACYFEbqIgQzEGsACFGwoIFBwo/v/DAUxBQQbw)
  • fidle dee Ahab(Rocket Speed): BL2(hwAAAADt+QFBRwIACYFEbqIgQzEGsACFGwoIFBoo/v/DAZxBQQbw)
  • dum pa Ahab(Fire Rate): BL2(hwAAAABZywFBRwIACYFEbqIgQzEGsACFGwoIFBso/v/DAXRBQQbw)
  • gaa dunk ga Ahab(Accuracy): BL2(hwAAAAArngFBRwIACYFEbqIgQzEGsACFGwoIFBco/v/DARRCQQbw)
  • dippity Ahab (Reload Speed): BL2(hwAAAACZvgFBRwIACYFEbqIgQzEGsACFGwoIFBgo/v/DAexBQQbw)
  • fwap a Ahab (Swap Speed): BL2(hwAAAAAi0AFBRwIACYFEbqIgQzEGsACFGwoIFBko/v/DAcRBQQbw)
  • Deep a Ahab (Mag Size): BL2(hwAAAACQ8AFBRwIACYFEbqIgQzEGsACFGwoIFBYo/v/DATxCQQbw)

Conference Call 5788×8 Shotguns

  • Fire: BL2(h8ZN6Nd0I95N5e+CTNT6H2KAOpnePMWxBqSkFQ/iJ9b46tUGbNwC)​
  • Shock: BL2(hzmkOWcUre7Aqt2wsYwpOMbMcXJFK80rY6VWeXCp3iu3cPiUo4sG)​
  • Corrosive: BL2(h9wrxtwOuWM6IfVJgeDdyeq0XG4OMqoLM1NWaN84BP72ZVu+xFxo)
  • Slag: BL2(hyAT0W9K8vz2lHebjwWCLbYLEwvOH0UPE3qxlRSf0OuCEFScgxZi)
  • Conference Call: BL2(h2b30V2CBKuvMvEvXrDkvKbZwIhp3DjftJpgU2XciuJX+tPx1/SL)​

Legendary Sniper Rifles

  • Skull-Smasher (180% Critical Hit): BL2(h3WuzAr60VwNpHPUoYZieWeoj+rN7UhIyJRXGskRqKpgeo6nwCDP)
  • Skookum Godfinger: BL2(hwAAAADdJAqEKIAAB4FELgBcAEMA0AVMBZj//2Rg/v8XAHQEMwDw)
  • Tumtum Godfinger: BL2(hwAAAACDnwqEKIAAB4FELgBcAEMA0AVMBZj//2Bg/v8XANQDMwDw)
  • Barking Storm (Damage): BL2(hwAAAADdeQiD6AAAEYFElgBcAGMCsAWMBZgbMGRg/v+DAHwEMwHw)
  • Shock Sublime Storm (Melee): BL2(hwAAAACfuQiD6AAAEYFElgBcAGMCsAWMBZgbMF5g/v+DAIwDMwHw)
  • Chikamin Hawk Eye (Stability): BL2(hwAAAAC2cwSEiAMJB4FEgoJZAJMK0gVMBZj//2Fg/v+jgvwDcwry)
  • Hyiu Hawk Eye (Mag Size): BL2(hwAAAAAdAgSEiAMJB4FEgoJZAJMK0gVMBZj//2Jg/v+jgiQEcwry)

Legendary & Mythic Shields

  • Max Amp Damage Bee Shield Fire Resistance: BL2(B18B7EVXug0YuBN6ZvxVg9zGd7TDY0oi6VjMDBfKUL8nj3V1QJw=)
  • Max Amp Damage Bee Shield Shock Resistance: BL2(B3uU2VhKSuMpHMBC0DX68rU7q34or8G30xc0BVtGNgUxasK7cnY=)
  • Fabled Tortoise: BL2(B5RV2vkR7ysJhQXfl8v1nRLlvtqvzJp2ZBtfyYW/kw/XD2axxG8=)
  • Maxed Effect Neogenerator: BL2(ByljCSzyGRlKcyAYwlIDLED1306CMjGUzjJTYyeUFRc5KcnLm44=)
  • Max Amp Damage Bee Shield Corrosive Resistance: BL2(BzrpwwbOnWYTrd2zRZvCc5+ZepkS0q95+PoRncNU6Ilhzmg7uAA=)​

Class Mods

  • Legendary Soldier: BL2(B+VlyqywrTP5IzslaERpns45Ur15es8r5I8a6WLtHr+HrKNBnnE=)​
  • Legendary Assassin: BL2(B33KDJEYXlR5JYdBlKUqfTprbF6kGE+Eg2WbIMggxVpqEEXivtU=)​
  • Slayer of Terramorphous Gunzerker: BL2(B2+9/OEpjUi6lJWNaNiDUQ8XW2zU2bmYYOWOn0Py0nFcKldyMCU=)
  • Slayer of Terramorphous Mechromancer: BL2(B9WORBcefev3BsLAnpThC8YBhCNyk1JibMGZI7haP/JhJz4mcxI=)​
  • Legendary Assassin: BL2(B33KDJEYXlR5JYdBlKUqfTprbF6kGE+Eg2WbIMggxVpqEEXivtU=)​

Special Bonus

Since you are a loyal reader, here is the real treasure for you. Just visit THIS PAGE and you will find ALL the Borderlands 2 Gibbed codes that are ever created. Since the list is way too long, I couldn’t add them all here. So, just visit the page and find any code you want.

Don’t forget to thank me later.

How to Use Borderlands 2 Gibbed Codes?

Using Gibbed codes is not complex but a lot of people still don’t know that. If you are among them, this is the right spot for you. I’ll explain the whole procedure here from scratch in a step-wise manner. Just follow the instructions carefully and you’ll have the desired item on your character.

Get These Things First

Before moving further with the procedure, you have to gather the right equipements. By equipments I mean the following things:

.NET Framework may already be present on your system. But, if it is not, just get that ASAP.

The Gibbed’s Borderlands 2 Save Editor works to add Gibbed codes, change your level, money, skills, points and many more things. You can use it with the base game as well as the DLC (Downloadable Content). After downloading it, just unzip the “” file.

I’d also recommend that you backup the ‘Save’ if you are worried that it may get corrupt or break in the Editor.

Steps to Follow to Use Borderlands 2 Gibbed Codes

Once you have the above mentioned things and Borderlands 2 in the computer, follow these simple steps.

Step-1: After downloading and installing the Gibbed’s Borderlands 2 Save Editor, open it.

Step-2: Click on the Open button and load your ‘Save.’

Note: The Editor will automatically find your save folder. In case it doesn’t, you can go to C:Users(Your Name)My DocumentsMy Gamesborderlands 2willowgamesavedata765XXXXXXXXXX. Bluestacks 5 ios.

Step-3: If you have more than one save then select the one that you want to edit. If you have only one save, it’ll be called ‘save0001.sav.’

Step-4: Choose the item (Weapons, Skins, Sheilds, Mods, etc) that you want from above and copy the code for it.

How to use bl2 gibbed

Step-5: Now come back to the Editor, click on the Backpack tab and then click on Paste Code.

Step-6: The item is now added to your backpack in the game. Click on Save and exit the Editor.

That’s it. Just launch the game and you’ll find the desired item shining in the backpack. You can repeat the procedure as many times as you like.

Final Take

Borderlands 2 is an amazing game. It gets even more amazing when you know about the Gibbed Codes. Now you know everything important about them. You can use as many codes as you want and enrich your experience. If you know about some more codes that I may have missed, feel free to drop them in the comments section.

That’s all for this post. I hope you find it helpful.

Gibbed save editor is basically a software that lets you modify Borderlands 2 save files. Apart from WillowTree, Gibbed is one of the most reliable Borderlands 2 save editor. This means that you can adjust or improve various aspects of your character such as character level, experience points, head, skin, credits, weapon, etc. This editor can be used to edit Borderlands 2 save files that exist in your PC, Xbox 360 and PS4. In this article, I will be showing you how you can download Gibbed on your PC as well as some important tips on how to edit Borderlands 2 save files on these three platforms.

Note: Editing save files for Xbox and PS4, will still be done on a PC that requires exporting and importing.

The mod options that are available on Gibbed save editor are pretty straight forward and it’s easy to understand as long as you have been playing the game. While editing, you have to be careful though not to make too many modifications at once which may mess up your saves. Old version bluestacks mac. Preferably, make small changes at a time.

Tip: If you have one character, it would be prudent to create two characters whereby you can apply mods to one character and have a legitimate character at the same time. Always make a backup of your saves before proceeding to make any modifications.

Table of Contents - Article Hierarchy

  • Gibbed save editor walkthrough and mod options

Gibbed save editor download and install on PC

In order to start using Gibbed save file editor, first off, you have to install it on your PC. This install will be used to edit save files for PC as well as Xbox and PS4. So before you can start editing save files for Xbox or PS4, you need to have this software installed on your PC.

  • To download the latest version, head over to the official GitHub repository for Gibbed save editor then download the zip file named “”
  • Extract the zip file and double click into the folder you have extracted and you should see a couple of items.
  • To open Gibbed borderlands save editor, double click on the item that has Handsome Jack’s face. If it does not open, it means your PC does not meet all the .NET framework 4Download and install .NET framework 4 then try again.

How to open PC Borderlands 2 save files on Gibbed

Remember, before making any changes to your save files, if the game is on your PC, make sure it is not running.

  • Once the software launches, click “Open” at the top and navigate to the Borderlands save folder. Normally, you should be at the Save folder by default when you click on “Open”. Double click on the folder to reveal all the save files for your characters.
  • Select the file for the character you want to edit. At this point, it is impossible to know the save file for a particular character. In order to find out the character that is currently selected, tap on the “character” tab and you should see the name of the character next to “Class” or “name”. If you have selected an unwanted character, you just have to click “Open” again and select a different save file.

How to import and export Borderlands 2 save files from Xbox 360 to PC

In order to mod save files that exist in your Xbox console, these files need to be accessible from your PC. What you will need for this is a USB flash drive, a PC, Xbox 360, Gibbed and Horizon mod tool.

  • To begin, plug a formatted USB flash drive into your Xbox console and copy your save data into it. To do that, go to settings > system > storage > Hard Drive > Games and Apps. Here you should see a list of all your games. Open borderlands 2 and select the file that is named according to the current level you are in. Then choose copy and select the USB flash drive as the destination.
  • Next, download and install Horizon and Gibbed to your PC
  • Once it’s done copying, plug the USB flash drive into your PC and open Horizon.
  • Using device explore, navigate to where your USB flash drive is, then drag and drop the file that you had copied. You should drop it into the huge space on the left.
  • A dialog box should appear. Click on the “Contents” tab on the far right.
  • Now, right-click on “SavGame.sav” then select “Extract”.
  • Select the directory you want the extracted save file to be saved. No need to rename the file while saving.
  • Now, open Gibbed editor.
  • To open the Xbox save file, click on “Open” and navigate to where you saved the file after extracting.
  • Before opening, expand the drop-down for file types and make sure Xbox is selected. Now click on “Open”.
  • Wait for Gibbed to load the file. Under the “General tab”, ensure the platform is selected as “360”.
  • Now you can perform all your mods.
  • When you are done making modifications, click on “Save” at the top then select the extracted file that you previously opened to overwrite the changes you have made. Now hit the “Save” button.
  • To export, go back to Horizon again. Under the “Contents” tab, right-click on “SavGame.sav” and choose “Replace”. Now select “SavGame.sav” which is the file you made changes using Gibbed and hit the “Open” button. Once the file is successfully replaced, hit the “Save, Rehash and Resign” button. Repeat this process around three times (Replacing followed by Rehashing).
  • Close horizon in order to successfully eject the USB flash drive.
  • Plug the USB into your console and paste the modified save file. Make sure you delete the old one first (make a backup before deleting).

How to import and export Borderlands 2 save files from PS4 to PC

For this, you will need a PC, Bruteforce mod tool, a USB flash drive, Gibbed, and PS4.

  • To begin, insert your USB flash into your PS4. Make sure it is FAT formatted.
  • Now go to Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage > Copy to USB Storage Device. You should see saves for all the games that you have. Look for the one belonging to borderlands and copy.
  • Ensure that you have installed Brute force plus the required dependencies. Once you are done copying and everything is set, plug the USB flash drive into your PC.
  • Launch Bruteforce then select the three dots on the top left of the screen. Navigate to where the save file is. In this case, it should be in your USB flash drive unless you have copied to somewhere else. Hit the “OK’ button once you find it.
  • Wait for the save file to load in Bruteforce. Click on the same file in order to ensure it is selected by the blue bar then hit “Decrypt PFD” > “Decrypt All files” then hit “Yes” when prompted. If the save file is not highlighted by the blue bar, nothing will happen.
  • Now that the save file is decrypted, open Gibbed and select “Open”. Navigate to the directory having the save file that has been decrypted (same location as above) then select the file. Before you can hit open, make sure “PS4” is selected in the drop-down list having file types.
  • Now you can make your modifications. Once you are done making changes to the file, hit “Save” at the top.
  • Select the same file that you had opened in order to replace and overwrite the changes. Click “yes” when prompted to replace the file.
  • Now, go back to Bruteforce and click on “Update PFD” > “Update PFD (Full)” then select “Yes” when prompted.
  • Next, click on “Verify PFD” in order to confirm whether the changes were made successfully.
  • Now copy the modified save file to the same location in your PS4.

Gibbed save editor walkthrough and mod options

Here are the major mod options that are available on Gibbed for enhancing your character:

Borderlands 2 Gibbed Save Editor Xbox 360

General tab

In the General tab you have two sections – save and importing. Under save, you have save guide, save slot and platform. Under importing, you have four options – import skills, import missions, import worlds, and import stats. These options are pretty straight forward they just let you import whatever is stated from other save files. What’s important in the general tab is “Platform”. Adjust this according to the platform you want to modify the save files, although in most cases it does that automatically. If it’s for Xbox, select Xbox from the drop-down list. Apart from PC, 360, and PS4, the latest version of Gibbed editor has now included support for PSvita and NVIDIA SHIELD.

Character tab

Under the character tab, you will find two sections – General and customization. Under General you will find Class, experience level, experience points, overpower level, general skill points, and specialist skill points. The most important options to highlight under this section are class, experience level, and experience points. With class, you can actually change your character while still maintaining the same aspects but I would advise just to leave it as it is. Experience level is where you enter the level that you want for your character (1 – 72). By clicking on “sync” right next to experience points, you will be assigned experience points depending on the experience level you have selected. When entering mod values, do not include comas.

Under customization, you will find name, head, and skin. The options that I would advise playing around with are head and skin. Just expand the drop-downs in order to get the whole list of selectable items.

Vehicle tab

Under the vehicle tab, you have two options for each section which lets you adjust the skins for runner, bandit technical, hovercraft and fan boat. Just expand the drop-down to see the various items that can be selected. Remember to apply minor changes at a time under this tab.

Currency tab

Under the currency tab, you are presented with options to modify credits, eridium, seraph crystals, and torgue tokens. For credits, you can have a maximum of 99999999 in game. For eridium, you can have a maximum of 500. For seraph crystals, you can have a maximum of 999. For torgue tokens, you can have a maximum of 999. When you enter these values, do not include comas otherwise it won’t work.

Fast travel tab

Under the fast travel tab, you have two sections – last visited teleporter and visited teleporters. Under visited teleporters, you are presented with a list of teleporters. All the ones that you have visited in the game have a checkmark. If you want additional teleporters you simply have to click on the checkbox. If you want all of them, click on the “Check all” option at the bottom. As for the last visited teleporter, this simply shows the teleporter that was last visited in the game. You can only select one teleporter for this option. Expand the drop-down list to select the last visited teleporter.

Backpack tab

Under the Backpack tab, you are presented with four sections – equipped, weapons, customization, and relics. Basically, this is a list of items that are available in your inventory arranged according to the category they fall in. Under equipped, all the weapons that have been equipped to your character are shown here. Under weapons, you are presented with the weapons that are currently available in your weapons inventory but not equipped. Can you play xbox through a mac. Under customization, you will see a list of all the customization items that are available in your inventory. Under relics, you will find all the ancient tech pieces that earn you passive bonuses.

Gibbed save editor allows you to select an item that is on the left and then customize it. For example, if you already have a weapon but it does not have the desired parts, you can pretty much select it from the list and equip it with the necessary parts. An important mod option that is under the backpack tab worth talking about is “New Weapon”. This lets you create new weapons from scratch and make it available to your character without having to farm in game. This is probably the most important mod option on Gibbed editor therefor I will show you a quick and easy way on how to create a new weapon using Gibbed right at the end of this article.

Bank tab

As you know, the bank in borderlands 2 lets characters stash and retrieve equipment in order to prevent the personal inventory from being jam-packed and can’t afford to lose some of the items. Bank space basically complements your backpack space. Under the bank tab, you will see all the items and equipment that have been stashed in your bank. Gibbed save editor lets you select items that are already in the bank then modify them just as you would do to items that are in your backpack. You can as well create a new weapon or whatever item you want then have it stored directly into your bank. Every mod option that is available under the backpack is also available under bank, only that the changes made under backpack will be saved in your backpack and changes performed under bank will be saved in your bank.

Bl2 Class Mod Codes Gibbed

Raw tab

Under the Raw tab, you are presented with quite a number of options categorized as miscellaneous which aren’t that important. But just to highlight a few, you have MaxBankSlots, ChallengeList, BlackMarketUpgrades, ActiveMissionNumber, CurrencyOnHand, etc. Most of them just represent data for items and aspects related to your character and applying modifications to them does not seem to reflect any changes in game – at least according to what I’ve experienced. It is best to leave everything as it is under the raw tab.

A Quick and Easy way to add new weapons using Gibbed

All the options that are provided for creating new weapons may seem overwhelming but the good news is that there is an easy way of doing that in case you are not familiar with all the options. Here is how to go about it:

Gibbed Save Editor Bl2 Ps4 Edition

  • Go to this website where they have a collection of codes for various guns.
  • Simply copy the code for a particular gun you want then head over to Gibbed and select paste code. This should be under “Backpack” or “Bank”.
  • There you have it.